What is a Blue Waffle Disease? Blue waffles is slang for a vaginal infection. The official definition: A vaginal infection or battering of the vagina. Blue Waffle A battered or infected lady cake of blue or green colouring, often brought about by extreme rammage to the female taco with penis or similar device. Blue Waffle infections are a result of dirty skank whoreness of the smack head variety and are abundant in areas of extreme chav infestations as well as areas high in whoredom. A ‘waffle’ is a a slang term for vagina. A ‘blue waffle’ is a slang term for a severe vaginal infection. Below is Blue Waffle Disease Pictures.
Blue Waffle Disease Pics
Blue Waffle Disease
It’s basically a slang term for an extremely nasty or severe vaginal infection/STD on the vagina. The infection could cause lesions on the outside of the vagina, as well as bruising, which causes it to look blue in color.